What wine do we enjoy at Easter meal?

What wine do we enjoy at Easter meal?

There are a few days left until Easter so I come here with some wine recommendations suitable for Easter Lunch that I know you are looking forward to.

Easter is a good opportunity to take a break, to spend time with your loved ones, but also to pamper yourself with goodies. Remember to enjoy the Easter lunch (and all the meals around it) in moderation and choose the wines that suit your taste.

And as you prepare for the holiday, here are some recommendations for the right wines. Sparkling wine, white wine, rose or red wine, something to suit every member of the family. Also, if you plan to spend time with your loved ones, here you can find some gift ideas from the occasion.

The Easter meal can start with a light and fresh sparkling wine, both as a welcome drink or as a suitable drink for appetizers. With a high acidity, sparkling wines are suitable with fatty dishes, so if you choose one for the beginning of the meal it is the right choice.

I recommend here on the one hand Bendis Nadir (made from Pinot Noir and Chardonnay grapes) and Bendis Rose (made from Pinot Noir grapes) from Petro Vaselo winery, both being very fresh, and on the other hand Rhein Extra Imperial Brut sparkling wine (made from Chardonnay grapes), from The Iconic Estate.

If you want to go directly to still wines you can start the Easter meal with a Crâmpoșie Selecționată from Avincis or with Ceva Nou - Crâmpoșie Aromată from Bauer winery or with a Fetească Regală from the Viile Metamorfosis range from the winery with the same name. I tried all three recently and they are as tasty as they are different. Or, if you want to serve wines of international varieties, a Sauvignon Blanc will not fail. At Aurelia Vișinescu winery you will find an excellent Sauvignon Blanc in Karakter range, at Liliac winery the new Very Vienna wine is also a Sauvignon Blanc.

Depending on the dishes you have on the table and the mood you can continue with a white wine, or you can switch to a rose wine. The rose wines from the 2021 harvest have already started to be launched for some time and here I have several recommendations: the wines “Francesca” (made from Sangiovese grapes) and “Bătută” (made from Cabernet Sauvignon grapes) from Licorna Winehouse, Cuvee Sissi (Pinot Noir) from the S.E.R.V.E. or Sur Mer Rose from Crama Rasova. As you probably already know, rose wines are enjoyed as fresh as possible and these 4 listed above have already been nominated for this year's rose wine competition.

As you move to the second part of the meal you will come to red wines, more complex wines, of which I list here:

  • Anno 5 1909 from Licorna Winehouse is a blend made from: Fetească Neagră harvest 2018, Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot harvest 2016. It is a wine that received the Grand Gold Medal at the Vinul.ro Competition in 2021 and one of the wines that received the most recommendations in various tastings that I organized or went to as a participant.
  • Taraboste Cabernet Sauvignon & Merlot: Taraboste is the top range of Château Vartely winery from the Republic of Moldova. Over time I had the opportunity to try several harvests of this wine and today it is still available at Produse Moldovenești (importer of Château Vartely wines in Romania) both the 2016 harvest and the newly launched harvest, 2017. Both harvests are complex wines, gastronomic, with intense aromas of black currants, prunes and black cherries. These wines have been aged for 18 months in oak barrels and are suitable to be served with red meat and matured cheeses. If you decide that this wine is right for you, add the code WINESDAY10 in your order in the online store Produse Moldovenești and you will have 10% discount.
  • Syrah Via Coltul Pietrei from Viile Metamorfosis winery (I wrote about it here): it is available the 2018 harvest; the wine comes from a plantation of only 5.2 hectares located in the Dealu Mare region. It is a wine with aromas of black and red fruits, but also spices such as black and red pepper and bitter chocolate. The wine is aged both in 225 liter oak barrels and in 7500 liter wooden barrels, this ensures a high softness of the wine.
  • Also from Viile Metamofosis I recommend Fetească Neagră 2020: a wine that has just received both the 1st place form the Public Award and the Jury's Grand Gold Medal at the National Wine Championship - Fetească Neagră organized by Vinador at the beginning of April. It is a Fetească Neagră  from the 2020 harvest that surprises with the aromas of prunes and ripe cherries. It is a wine that is easy to associate with red meat dishes, but it is also a wine that can be enjoyed just as easily alone, without food.
At the end of the meal if you want to spend a little more time with your loved ones, I recommend you to enjoy a more complex sparkling wine and here you can try a cava. "Cava" is the sparkling wine made according to the traditional method (like champagne) in Spain. I have tried several types of cava over time and the one that has remained in my heart for some time is Cava Gran Reserva PUR 2012 from Adernats Vins & Cava which you can find at TheWinederers - the official importer of Adernats wines in Romania . It is made from Macabeo and Xarel·lo grapes (specific Spanish varieties for cava production), has been aged in bottle for more than 60 months and is distinguished by the aroma of muffin, toast and quince. It is a sparkling wine suitable for the holiday and if you want to try it, find out that you have a 10% discount in TheWinederers online store if you include the code WINESDAY10 in your order.

Acestea fiind spuse sper ca vinurile de mai sus să te fi inspirat și să alegi pe cele potrivite pentru tine. Îți doresc de pe acum Paște Fericit și zile cât mai frumoase în compania celor dragi!

This being said, I hope the above wines have inspired you and help you chose the right ones for you. I wish you a Happy Easter and the most beautiful days with your loved ones!

Carmina Nițescu
Winesday.ro & Winesday App

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