About VINARIUM International Wine Contest – XXI edition

About VINARIUM International Wine Contest – XXI edition

Now in its XXI edition, VINARIUM International Wine Contest is the only international wine contest held in Romania. It is organized by ASER Consulting & Management and the VINARIUM Association (The Wine Institute), in partnership with ADAR (Association of Authorized Tasters from Romania) under the patronage of OIV (International Organization of Vine and Wine) and VINOFED (World Federation of Major International Wine and Spirits Competitions)

VINARIUM is the most important international wine competition in Central and South-Eastern Europe and takes place between May 23rd - 26th 2024 in Ploiești. The event is supported by Ploiești City Hall and held under the auspices of Ploiești - the Youth Capital of Romania in 2024 (Ploiești – Capitala Tineretului din România), Fundația Județeană pentru Tineret Prahova and Eurospirit association.

As a novelty, this year VINARIUM has special judging sections for:
  • BIO Wines
  • AMBER / ORANGE Wines
With an increase compared to the 2023 edition, this year 1502 samples were entered by 239 operators (producers, importers, producer representatives) from 26 countries. 39.3% of the total entries were from outside Romania - the organizing country.

As in previous years, the jury is made of foreign as well as Romanian jurors, the percentage of foreign jurors being higher than that of Romanians. This year the jury consists of 46 jurors from 18 countries. Thus, the wines arriving from all over the world will be evaluated by people with different training and experience in the wine industry.

Following the judging, there will be awarded:
  • Great Gold Medals (93-100 points)
  • Gold Medals (89-92.9 points)
  • Silver Medals (85-88.9 points)
According to the OIV Regulation, only 30% of the samples entered in the competition can obtain a medal.

The VINARIUM team is also known for its investment in research in the world of wine. One of the innovations is related to neurofeedback, an analysis method already present in the wine competition.

Neurofeedback is a method by which, using a device placed on the head, the attention and satisfaction of a juror at VINARIUM competition is measured when analyzing a wine.

"Neurofeedback - this method is obviously in the research stage but essentially we got the clear answer if there is a difference between conscious scoring and brain perception, respectively the point of satisfaction and the point of attention and if they are always correlated with what we put in the evaluation sheet. " says Cătălin Păduraru, CEO VINARIUM International Wine Contest.

The analysis of wines with the neurofeedback method continues this year at the XXI edition of the competition.

Because VINARIUM International Wine Contest is more and more visible every year from now on it is also listed on Wine Searcher, platform with over 5 million monthly active users and over 240 million searches annually. You can find here the results of the VINARIUM contest from 2011 to 2023.

Stay tuned, the results of the 2024 edition are also coming soon and you will find them published here in Winesday App.

Carmina Nițescu
Winesday.ro & Winesday App

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