Aurelia Vișinescu/Domeniile Săhăteni

Aurelia Vișinescu/Domeniile Săhăteni


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DJ205, Romania


Location: Zona Dealu Mare-cea mai compactă zonă cu crame din România.

Oenologist: Aurelia Vișinescu “Doamna Fetească Neagră” ("Miss Black Maiden")- was the first oenologist to vinify Feteasca Neagră as a dry wine

Launched in 2003 at the initiative of Aurelia Vișinescu and Steve Cacenco. The winery is today on the site of a former farmhouse that was restored in 2006.

Cultivated vineyard area: 82 ha in the areas of Săhăteni, Fintești, Năieni (Buzău County), of which, on 19.4 ha Fetească Neagă is cultivated, the most extensive winery plantation.

Facilities: modern wine cellar that vinifies in stainless steel tanks and also has 2 aging rooms that include 500 French and Romanian wooden barrels.

Cultivated varieties:
     • 4 romanian varieties: Fetească Albă, Fetească Regală, Fetească Neagră, Tămâioasă românească
     • 7 international varieties: Sauvignon Blanc, Chardonnay, Pinos Grigio, Merlot, Syrah, Pinot Noir, Cabernet Sauvignon

Wine tastings: wine tastings and visits to the winery can be done both on weekends and during the week with a prior appointment at


  • Parking
  • Possibility of dining / catering (for groups)
  • Wine Shop

Wine Types

  • White Wine
  • Rose Wine
  • Red Wine

Wine Tourism

  • Tasting visits
  • Nearby accommodation
  • Wine Shop

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