Wine Encyclopedia - Book of the month January 2023
When you are passionate about wine and looking to learn more, a wine tasting explained by a specialist or reading a book are always good ideas.
Personally I entered the world of wine in 2015 by participating in a 7-day wine tasting tour in the Republic of Moldova, which proved to be both educational and inspirational and I discovered a new passion: wine. Since then I have sought to learn new things about wine, I went to a lot of tastings, I went to wineries in Romania and abroad, I talked to the creators of the wines and those who present them, I read a lot of books about wine, gastronomy, pairing wine with food, then I went to classes to fully understand how wine is made, how to enjoy it, how to serve it. What I love most about the world of wine is that every year brings a new crop of grapes, therefore, ultimately, new wines. It's a tasty and savory field where you have something to learn all the time and I enjoy the journey day by day.
Today, January 1st, 2023, I am launching the "Book of the month" section in the Winesday App, where you will find a book recommendation on wine, gastronomy and related topics on the 1st of every month from now on. The wine tastings I've attended and the courses I've taken have greatly developed my sense of smell for example. I found similarities in the wine classes with things I also encountered at an initiation day in the world of coffee, for example. In addition, since I started consuming wine in moderation and knowing what type of wine it was, my taste has also been enriched and I feel differently about every type of food, whether it is enjoyed with or without wine. Today I know how to enjoy wine on its own, wine with food, wine with spicy food or dessert, I know how to make associations and explore new tastes and overall the experience of a meal at home, in a restaurant or in a holiday destination has completely changed and I enjoy all this more.
The first article in the "Book of the Moon" series is about the "Encyclopedia of Wine", a book published by Baroque Books & Arts in "In Vino Veritas" collection. It is a suitable book for those who want to know a little more about wine and learn the basics. The book is extraordinarily beautifully illustrated with suggestive images, diagrams and simple explanations, the cover being made in the same graphic style. For "visual" people it is an excellent book and also an inspired gift for friends who loves wine or gastronomy.
Chapters and Subchapters:
Personally I entered the world of wine in 2015 by participating in a 7-day wine tasting tour in the Republic of Moldova, which proved to be both educational and inspirational and I discovered a new passion: wine. Since then I have sought to learn new things about wine, I went to a lot of tastings, I went to wineries in Romania and abroad, I talked to the creators of the wines and those who present them, I read a lot of books about wine, gastronomy, pairing wine with food, then I went to classes to fully understand how wine is made, how to enjoy it, how to serve it. What I love most about the world of wine is that every year brings a new crop of grapes, therefore, ultimately, new wines. It's a tasty and savory field where you have something to learn all the time and I enjoy the journey day by day.
Today, January 1st, 2023, I am launching the "Book of the month" section in the Winesday App, where you will find a book recommendation on wine, gastronomy and related topics on the 1st of every month from now on. The wine tastings I've attended and the courses I've taken have greatly developed my sense of smell for example. I found similarities in the wine classes with things I also encountered at an initiation day in the world of coffee, for example. In addition, since I started consuming wine in moderation and knowing what type of wine it was, my taste has also been enriched and I feel differently about every type of food, whether it is enjoyed with or without wine. Today I know how to enjoy wine on its own, wine with food, wine with spicy food or dessert, I know how to make associations and explore new tastes and overall the experience of a meal at home, in a restaurant or in a holiday destination has completely changed and I enjoy all this more.
The first article in the "Book of the Moon" series is about the "Encyclopedia of Wine", a book published by Baroque Books & Arts in "In Vino Veritas" collection. It is a suitable book for those who want to know a little more about wine and learn the basics. The book is extraordinarily beautifully illustrated with suggestive images, diagrams and simple explanations, the cover being made in the same graphic style. For "visual" people it is an excellent book and also an inspired gift for friends who loves wine or gastronomy.
Chapters and Subchapters:
- Fundamentals: Wine Basics, Wine Tasting, Serving and Storing Wine, Pairing Wine and Food
- Wine styles: Sparkling wine, Light-bodied white wine, Full-bodied white wine, Aromatic white wine, Rose wine, Light-bodied red wine, Medium-bodied red wine, Full-bodied red wine, Dessert wine
- Wine Regions (brief presentation of the main wine regions of the world)
For lovers of the English language, the book is also available in English and published by Wine Folly, (authors Madeline Puckette, Justin Hammack), this being the source of inspiration for the book translated into Romanian.
I have personally read both, they are equally well done both in terms of illustrations and translation.
Reasons to read the book: you learn the basics about wine, wine regions and pairing with food and at the end of the reading you will be able to make your own pairings.
Wine tip: read the book, try the wine-food pairings suggested there and to understand what you like and what you don't like, try the wines both on their own and with several combinations of food flavors. Pairing wine with food is not an exact science. Yes, there are directions to follow, but with the multitude of tastes out there, each of us may have different preferences. And that's the beauty of wine! Wine is greatly influenced by the food you pair it with, and you will enjoy it more if you know your tastes and learn to make the right pairings for you.
Where you can find the book: on Baroque Books & Arts website at "In Vino Veritas" collection and in bookstores all over the country.
Carmina Nițescu
Winesday & Winesday App