The results of Excellence Awards 2024 (16th edition)

The results of Excellence Awards 2024 (16th edition)

For 16 years now has been organizing the " Excellence Awards", a competition dedicated to Romanian wineries that are invited to enter their wines in the competition.

For the fourth year in a row I had the pleasure of being part of the jury of this competition and today I bring news about the medaled wines.

For the first time in its history, this year the contest had 2 stages:
  • the first, in April, for the "Bio" and "Dulce & Aromat" sections, where mainly white and rose wines just released to the market were evaluated (session organized at the request of the wineries who wanted to benefit earlier from the possibility of promotiong the medals)
  • the second, in September, where white, red and red wines, as well as sparkling wines, were evaluated.
In total, the approximately 200 registered samples were analyzed and scored by 8 committees of professional and equidistant jurors coming from the professional academic environment, from among practitioners with experience in production, from certified tasters and sommeliers, from graduates of various types of WSET courses and wine merchants in HoReCa and specialist retail.

As in the last three years, it was a nice experience because I had the opportunity to see dear people again and also to meet new people from the world of wine and at the same time to try wines that I didn't know.

In total, during both sessions, 6 Great Gold Medals were awarded (of which 2 counted for the categories "Dulce & Aromat") and 58 Gold Medals (of which 7 counted for the categories "Dulce & Aromat" and 1 for BIO category).

Due to the fact that the maximum number of medals is limited to a third of the entered samples, many wines with scores related to Silver Medals have not received public recognition, although their quality would have deserved it. In their decisions, the judges considered, as usual, the criteria of appearance, aroma, taste and overall impression.

The scores for awarding the medals were:
  • Great Gold Medal - over 95 points (out of a possible maximum of 100)
  • Gold Medal - wines scored between 90 and 94 points
The judging of the awards took place, for the fourth consecutive year, at Casa Timiș, in Dealu Mare, and the results were publicly announced for the first time during a special event celebrating the National Gastronomy and Wine Day in Romania organized by the host location on October 6th (according to Law 79/2019, this Day is every year on the first Sunday of October).

Și, dacă tot vorbim despre vinurile medaliate, acestea au fost:

Mari Medalii de Aur 2024:
  • Fetească neagră Vizionar 2022, sec, Domeniul Aristiței
  • Fetească regală Hruba Boierului 2023, demisec, Crama Hermeziu
  • Sauvignon Blanc & Riesling & Muscat Ottonel Iluziv 2023, sec, Jidvei
Medalii de Aur vinuri albe 2024:
  • Chardonnay SOLE 2023, sec, Recaș
  • Chardonnay Grand Rezerva 2023, sec, Beciul Domnesc
  • Fetească albă Pietroasa Selection 2023, sec, SCDVV Pietroasa
  • Fetească regală Magnus Monte 2023, sec, Crama Ceptura
  • Grasă de Cotnari & Fetească albă & Tămâioasă Românească Genesis, demisec, 2023, Cramele Cotnari
  • Riesling Italian Baby D 2023, demidulce, Domeniile Caraman
  • Sauvignon Blanc IMplicit sec, 2023, Recaș
  • Sauvignon Blanc 2023, sec, Beciul Domnesc
  • Sauvignon Blanc Sabrize 2023, sec, Budureasca
  • Sauvignon Blanc Magnus Monte 2023, sec, Crama Ceptura
  • Sauvignon Blanc & Chardonnay & Riesling de Rin Terra Romana Millenium 2023, sec, SERVE
  • Tămâioasă românească Grand Reserve, dulce, Beciul Domnesc
  • Zinfandel alb Caloian 2023, sec, Crama Oprișor
Medalii de Aur vinuri rose 2024:
  • Busuioacă de Bohotin Hruba Boierului 2023, demisec, Crama Hermeziu
  • Busuioacă de Bohotin Pietroasa Selection 2023, sec, SCDVV Pietroasa
  • Cabernet Sauvignon Tamam 2023, sec, Domeniile Caraman
  • Cabernet Sauvignon & Fetească neagră & Syrah & Merlot Cuvee 83 2023, sec, Domeniile Caraman
  • Merlot & Cabernet Sauvignon & Syrah IMplicit 2023, sec, Recaș
  • Syrah Rose 2023, sec, Casa Timiș
Medalii de Aur vinuri roșii 2024:
  • Aldavin Rezerva Familiei 2021, sec, Crama de Piatră
  • Merlot Aldavin 2022, sec, Crama de Piatră
  • Cabernet Franc & Syrah & Fetească neagră Graden 2022, sec, Awesomm
  • Cabernet Sauvignon & Fetească neagră & Merlot Cuvee Roșu by Florin Manoliu 2021, sec, Crama Pandora
  • Cabernet Sauvignon Velvet One 2021, sec, Velvet Winery
  • Fetească neagră & Cabernet Sauvignon & Merlot Migală Cuvee 25 2019, sec, Via Viticola Sarica Niculițel
  • Fetească neagră Chateau Valvis 2021, sec, Domeniile Sâmburești
  • Fetească neagră Pietroasa Selection 2021, sec, SCDVV Pietroasa
  • Fetească neagră & Cabernet Sauvignon Cuvee 49 2023, sec, Beciul Domnesc
  • Fetească neagră Vinul Cavalerului 2022, sec, SERVE
  • Merlot Prince Vlad sec, 2022, sec, Vie Vin Vînju Mare
  • Merlot & Cabernet Sauvignon & Burgund Rupes Nobilis, 2022, sec, HB Wine
  • Pinot Noir ISSA 2023, sec, Crama La Salina
  • Shiraz Stil de Oprișor 2020, sec, Crama Oprișor
Medalii de Aur vinuri spumante 2024:
  • Fetească regală Scintti Brut, Jidvei
  • Frâncușă Winelover România 2021, Cramele Cotnari
  • Chardonnay & Pinot Noir Cuvée Celest 2019, Villa Vinea
  • Pinot Noir Rose Celest 2021, Villa Vinea
  • Syrah Scintti Rose brut, Jidvei
Secțiune specială "Best in Class 2024"- vinurile cu cel mai mare punctaj din soiurile autohtone:
  • Busuioacă de Bohotin demisec 2023, Hermeziu
  • Fetească regală – Hruba Boierului demisec 2023, Hermeziu
  • Fetească albă – Pietroasa Selection 2023, Stațiunea Pietroasa
  • Fetească neagră – Selection 2021, Stațiunea Pietroasa
  • Tămâioasă românească Beciul Domnesc Grand Reserve (N/A)
  • Frâncușă (spumant) – Cotnari Winelover România 2021
Lista completă a vinurilor medaliate in luna septembrie o găsești aici.

Lista completă a vinurilor medaliate in luna aprilie o găsești aici.

Carmina Nițescu & Winesday App

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