Dradara Winery

Dradara Winery


See schedule


Mocrea, NR 208 BiS, Mocrea 315301, Romania


The story of DRADARA has its roots in the land that lies quietly on Dealul Mocrii.

The wine from Mocrea barrels was enjoyed by the nobles of the past, the important guests of the prince of Transylvania and the barons of the Vienna Court, because here, just like today, good and honest wine was found.

Dradara vineyard stretches over 19.65 hectares of volcanic soil, on the coast of Mocrii Hill, the Miniş-Măderat Vineyard, which watches over and listens to the secret of white, red and rosé wines.

Here, the sun is in no hurry and rises an hour later: thus, the vines and the grapes enjoy a slow and quiet ripening.

Planned varieties: Fetească Neagra, Merlot, Cabernet Sauvginon, Sauvignon Blanc, Fetească Regală, Muscat Ottonel, Palava

Wine Types

  • Orange Wine
  • White Wine
  • Rose Wine
  • Red Wine

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