Wine Wars II - Book of the month April 2024
"Wine Wars II: The Global Battle for the Soul of Wine" is a book published by Mike Veseth that is at its second edition. The book was published in 2022, the first edition being published in 2011 in many languages among which we mention a Romanian edition ("Razboaiele vinului", published in 2017 by ASER Publishing House).
Also known as "The Wine Economist", Mike Veseth is an authority on the international wine market, traveling and studying the economics of wine around the world.
Why "Wine Wars", who is at war?
What is the future of wine and in what type of container can we expect it to be presented in the future: glass bottle, plastic bottle, bag-in-box?
What does Two Buck Chuck mean?
Have you heard of the Blue Nun curse?
Do you know what kind of wines you find on the top shelf in a store? But on the bottom one?
Reading the book you will realize many layers of the world of wine that you, consumer and wine lover, may have met very little or not at all. Reading the book, however, you will realize a lot of things that you did not think about wine but that make sense and, after reading, you will see that the world of wine is much more complex than you imagined.
The second edition of the book, published in 2022, has the following chapters:
Prelude: Grape Expectations
Also known as "The Wine Economist", Mike Veseth is an authority on the international wine market, traveling and studying the economics of wine around the world.
Why "Wine Wars", who is at war?
What is the future of wine and in what type of container can we expect it to be presented in the future: glass bottle, plastic bottle, bag-in-box?
What does Two Buck Chuck mean?
Have you heard of the Blue Nun curse?
Do you know what kind of wines you find on the top shelf in a store? But on the bottom one?
Reading the book you will realize many layers of the world of wine that you, consumer and wine lover, may have met very little or not at all. Reading the book, however, you will realize a lot of things that you did not think about wine but that make sense and, after reading, you will see that the world of wine is much more complex than you imagined.
The second edition of the book, published in 2022, has the following chapters:
Prelude: Grape Expectations
- A tale of two glasses
- Got wine?
- A toast to Wine Wars II
Flight 1: Globalisation - blessing or curse?
- The Da Vino Code
- Missionaries, migrants and market reforms
- The center of the Universe
- Globalisation tasting
Flight 2: navigating the wine wall
- Martians versus Wagnerians
- They always buy th even-cent wine
- Outlaws, prisoners and the great escape
- A blind brand tasting
Flight 3: Revenge of the Terroirists
- Mondovino and the revenge of the terroirists
- We are all terroirists now
- Silk Road terroirists
- A terroirist tasting
Flight 4: Wine's triple crisis
- This changes everything: wine's environmental crisis
- How to make a small fortune: wine's economic crisis
- The elephant in the room: wine's identity crisis
- Wine Wars II Tasting
Note: Chapter 4 has been added to the 2nd edition, which is the major difference from the 1st edition.
"Mike Veseth puts on the table all the plans of the "troop movements" all over the world map, without stopping at a report of the actual state of affairs but, with scientific tact and with the certainty of one who has the microscopic image and, to the same extent, the overall, collects data from the past, overlaps them on those of the present, managing to project dynamic images of the future" Cătălin Păduraru about the 1st edition of the book.
Reasons to read the book: The book is an introduction to the economics of wine and answers a lot of questions about how the wine world works.
Where you can find the book: the English version can be found on Books Express website, where it arrives in 2-3 weeks, and the Romanian version can be found on eMag.
Carmina Nițescu
Winesday.ro & Winesday App
Where you can find the book: the English version can be found on Books Express website, where it arrives in 2-3 weeks, and the Romanian version can be found on eMag.
Carmina Nițescu
Winesday.ro & Winesday App