Tasting pleasure. Confessions of a wine lover - Book of the month September 2023

Tasting pleasure. Confessions of a wine lover - Book of the month September 2023

The volume "Tasting pleasure. Confessions of a wine lover" appeared in Romanian language at the Baroque Books & Arts publishing house in "In Vino Veritas" collection.

The book is written by the well-known author Jancis Robinson who has written for the Financial Times since 1989, wrote for the Wine Spectator between 1990 - 1997, and throughout her life has written several books dedicated to wine:
  • "The World Atlas of Wine" (written with Hugh Johnson),
  • "Wine Grapes" (the most complete guide to grapes that includes 1368 varieties, written together with Julia Harding and Jose Vouillamoz),
  • "Oxford Companion to wine" (written with Julia Harding),
  • "How to Taste"
  • "Wine expert in 24 hours"
  • Jancis Robinson's Wine Course.

In the volume "Tasting pleasure. Confessions of a wine lover" Jancis tells a different story about wine than she does in other books: if in the books that made her known she writes in an educational way with many short and to-the-point explanations, in the current volume talks about her experience in the world of wine, about the beginnings, about the vicissitudes of such a vast field, about the first experiences related to wine abroad, about how she was the host of a TV show and much more.

The book "Confessions of a Wine Lover" wants to be an explanatory book from the point of view of a whole life lived around wine, a career in this field and the international recognition that she managed to achieve in these years.

I have personally read the other books written by Jancis Robinson and they are very informative and extremely useful for those who want to learn about wine, but this book is a special one: it is the story of her life told by herself and it is worth to read it.

  • A tale of two producers
  • Liquid magic - birth of a wine lover
  • Becoming a wine writer
  • Early days - wine-sodden nights
  • The old wine trade
  • Blind Tasting
  • First steps abroad
  • The thirsty tour operator
  • My very own imprint
  • Casting adrift
  • A new world of wine
  • Lunching toward Respectability
  • Wine on the box
  • Marathon tastings, and a 1787
  • Mastering Wine
  • Distractions
  • The wine revolution and my cellar
  • A stake in the motherland
  • Discovering France's stomach
  • Some very special bottles
  • The ball and chain cast off
  • Half centuries
  • On writing about wine
  • Vin Fin
Reasons to read the book: if you are curious to find out what it is like to live your whole life in the world of wine without being a winemaker, this is your chance.

In this book, Jancis takes us through the most exquisite wine cellars, the most unexpected vineyards and the most demanding restaurants, on a journey from South Africa to California, from Bordeaux to Australia and dozens of wine-loving characters: Julian Barnes, Philippe de Rothschild, Francis Ford Coppola or Julio Gallo.

The book is a guide that tells the story of several decades spent in the world of wine, that refuses to take itself seriously and slips into spicy stories, an author who pours her experience into fine glasses and offers them generously on every page.

Where you can find the book: on the website of the Baroque Books & Arts publishing house at the "In Vino Veritas" collection and in bookstores throughout the country.

Carmina Nițescu
Winesday.ro & Winesday App

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