"Odorama. The cultural history of smell" - Book of the month November 2024

"Odorama. The cultural history of smell" - Book of the month November 2024

The book "Odorama. The cultural history of smell" written by Federico Kukso and was published in Romanian by Baroque Books & Arts in  Savoir Vivre collection.

It is not a book about wine, but since the sense of smell is essential in the world of wine, I chose this book as my recommendation of the month to understand more about this sense.

"About 13,750 million years ago, smell was born. It was a weak one, a condensed smell, the sum of all smells that would ever be felt. It was a triumphant, furious, but unwitnessed entry into a cosmic outburst that, after a long time, a tiny and complex species would call it the Big Bang.

That's what that first smell was: absolutely alone in that vastness, a primordial cloud of cosmic gas and dust. In its expansion, that singular smell became two. Then four. Then eight. Until there were so many that they could no longer be counted."

Chapters (being published in Romanian language, the name of the Chapters are not translated into English in this article:

Introducere. Toate mirosurile lumii

I. Mirosuri de ieri
  • Primul miros. De la Big Bang la inventarea focului
  • Mumia parfumata. Aroma Egiptului Antic
  • Axila lui Aristotel. Mirosuri vechi, mirosuri grecești
  • Toate mirosurile duc la Roma. Aroma imperiului
  • Precum pe pământ, așa si in cer. Mirosul îngerilor (si al iadului)
  • Șarpele care a înghițit lumea. Ora ciumei
  • Prima rețea socială. Drumurile tămâii, piperului si mătăsii
  • Măștile Regelui Soare. Imperiul Parfumului
  • Nările deschise ale Americii Latine. Socul olfactiv al Conquistei

II. Mirosuri de azi
  • Războiul împotriva mirosului. Progresul igienist si dezodorizarea Parisului
  • Marea putoare. Londra, epicentrul pestilențial al lumii
  • Orchestra invizibila. Buenos Asirles, de la colonie la orașul celor o mie de mirosuri
  • Celalalt eu. Stigmatizare odorifera si fiziologia mirosului urat
  • Aroma rusinii. Cele o mie si unu de mirosuri ale corpului omenesc
  • Vanturi din sud. Anatomia flatulentelor
  • Resorturile timpului. Memoria olfactiva
  • Cuvinte mute, arome orfane. Limbajul natural al mirosurilor
  • Osmologii de ici si de colo. Diversitate olfactiva
III. Mirosuri de maine
  • Contanta universala. Cosmosul si mirosurile sale
  • Vânătorul ascuns. Marketing olfactiv
  • O gura de viitor. Tehnologie si miros
  • De profundis. Mirosul bolii
  • O lume pierdută. Mirosuri dispărute si încercări donquijotesti de a le resuscita
  • Moartea mirosului. Arhive olfactive pentru eternitate
Reasons to read the book: you will learn about the scents of yesterday and today, about the complexity of smell, about how varied scents are and you will be able to realize how much more you have to learn about this fascinating sense.

Where you can find the book: the book is published in Romanian and can be found in Baroque Books & Arts online shop where until 10.11.2024 you have a 50% discount on all books purchased.

Carmina Nițescu
Winesday.ro & Winesday App

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