In Vino Duplicitas - Book of the month February 2023

In Vino Duplicitas - Book of the month February 2023

Published in "In vino veritas" collection of Baroque Books & Arts publishing house, the book "In vino duplicitas" written by Peter Hellman tells a story that was heard around the entire world.

The story is about the 26-year-old Rudy Kurniawan who has a rare sense of taste, a passion for wines, an extraordinary memory and crazy courage. Rudy makes a spectacular entry into the world of wine staying close to the auction houses and becoming the primary provider of rare wines to America's greatest wine collectors.

The story becomes exciting when a journalist, a prosecutor with a passion for wine, an FBI agent and an unprecedented fraud in the international world of wine come into action. The clues lead to Rudy Kurniawan, but with how well-mannered, serious and well-regarded he was in the wine world, could anyone have guessed it was him? Was he the real con? Had he been drawn into this fraud against his will? The book describes step by step all the events surrounding the biggest fraud in the world of wine in history and is a tasty story, written in the smallest details (it answers the question "how?") and you must read it.

  • Becoming Dr. Conti
  • Underneath an auction
  • The man from Morey-Saint-Denis
  • The auctioneer
  • Scam collapse
  • The Sheriff
  • Raid
  • In front of the jurors
  • Aftershocks of the "earthquake"
Reasons to read the book: it is a book after which a movie was made, but reading the book you get to understand more details than in the movie.

Where you can find the book: on Baroque Books & Arts website at "In Vino Veritas" collection and in bookstores all over the country.

Carmina Nițescu
Winesday & Winesday App

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