Celebrating Riesling (Timișoara)

Celebrating Riesling (Timișoara)


Splaiul Nistrului 1, Timișoara, Romania


Dates And Hours:

Miercuri, 12 Martie 2025 - Joi, 13 Martie 2025
17:30 - 21:00


🍾13 March is the International Riesling Day and for the first time we will celebrate it properly.

🍽 We start on Wednesday (12th March) with an amazing dinner at Restaurant Merlot where the dishes prepared by Chef Daniel Cheregi will be paired with Romanian Rhein Rieslings.

🥂 On Thursday, 13th March at Riviere Ballroom we organize 2 master classes presented by our friends and wine experts, Imre Szakács Orha and Előd Ádám.

⏱ As usual the duration of each master class will be 90 minutes, with 30 minutes break between them.
We start at 17,30-19,00 and 19,30-21,00.

Tickets, dinner menu, wine lists will be available soon.
And of course, all the incomes will be used to make a better world for people with disabilities, thus for everybody